A fast and reliable method to reach a conclusive diagnosis of MYH9-related disorder
Congenica platform provides variant review and assessment to support conclusive diagnoses for patients with complex and commonly misdiagnosed bleeding disorders.

Congenica Appoints Dr. Heiner Dreismann as Non-Executive Director
Congenica Ltd, has announced the appointment of Dr Heiner Dreismann as non-executive Director and Senior Independent Director on the board.

Congenica named MedTech Company of the Year 2019
Congenica has been named MedTech Company of the Year 2019 at the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards 2019 at a ceremony held in Cambridge.

ExomeCG to simplify molecular and cytogenomic data generation and interpretation
Nonacus Ltd has announced the launch of ExomeCG, a new product designed by Congenica to simplify the generation and interpretation of molecular and cytogenomic data.

Prenatal exome sequencing in unexplained fetal oedema: a game changer
Prenatal exome sequencing in unexplained fetal oedema: a game changer

Congenica brings together Mastermind, DECIPHER and Sentieon in major product update
Congenica enables you to achieve 10X faster processing speeds, instantly access genetic evidence and minimize the risk of variants going undetected.

Congenica Integrates Powerful New Curated Data
Congenica has announced the integration of powerful new reference data sources, DECIPHER and Mastermind® into its clinical decision support platform.

How to select a clinical decision support platform
How is genomic clinical decision support being used to address the challenges in medicine? How it is helping clinicians realize the potential of genomics?

Highlights from the International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy
Highlights from the International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy

Poster: Towards Improved Next Generation Sequencing for Ultrasound Abnormalities (INGENIOUS) using cell-free DNA
Invasive fetal sampling is currently the only way to comprehensively test genomic material for single gene disorders, for example using exome sequencing.

Poster: Diagnosis of fetal structural abnormalities using whole exome sequencing: a single centre study
Fetal anomalies are identified in ~2-5% of pregnancies and are responsible for ~20% of perinatal deaths.

Neurodevelopmental disorders - discovering the underlying cause and how genomic data analysis ended a 21-year diagnostic odyssey
Thousands of babies are born each year with a neurodevelopmental disorder and the global estimate for individuals with intellectual disability is 10.37/1,000 (1) and 62/10,000 (2) for autism.